Bruker Instrument User Guide

Instrument Orientation

Detectors and Liquid Nitrogen

Both the single point mapping (MCT) and imaging (FPA) detectors are cryogenically cooled for operation with liquid nitrogen. A single detector fill will last at least 12 hours for the MCT and up to a maximum of 8 hours for the FPA.

  • It is very important not to allow the FPA detector to warm up while is it powered on.
  • The MCT should be allowed to thermalize for 20-30 minutes after filling.

The detector will be initially filled with liquid nitrogen for you by beamline staff, however you will need to plan your experiments to accommodate refilling the detector.

Appropriate PPE is available at the beamline and must be worn whenever handling liquid nitrogen. If you are unsure how to fill the detector or have never done it, ask a member of the beamline staff to demonstrate. You should also have completed the cryogenics safety training module.


Spectrometer and Microscope

The instrument consists of a spectrometer (Vertex 70v, on left), the transfer optics (plexiglas box in center), and the Hyperion 3000 microscope (right). Synchrotron radiation enters the spectrometer from the rear out of the active optics chicane.

Microscope Controls

Hyperion Microscope Controls


OPUS is the primary software for instrument control and data acquisition.

Experimental Parameters

The primary experimental parameters which influence measurement time are mapping step size, spectral resolution, and the number of co-added scans.

Experimental Setup

These steps should be completed for you by beamline staff, however, you should confirm the detector cooling before starting your work.

  1. Fill the detector(s) you will use for your experiments.
  2. Confirm the installed objectives match the desired magnification.
  3. Start OPUS using the icon on the desktop.
  4. Configure Transfer Optics for experiment.

Load Sample

The purge system on the microscope stage reduces spectral interference from infrared-absorbing atmospheric gases such as water and CO2. Sample loading procedure:

Hyperion Purge Assembly

  • Mount your sample onto a sample plate. Use tape to secure sample disc to the plate.
  • Remove the plexiglas purge components and rotate the top objective out of the way.
  • Place your sample onto the microscope stage and return the objective to the working position.
  • Reassemble the purge system around your sample.

You may find it helpful to mark key stage positions in the OPUS Video Wizard before closing the purge system, as it can be hard to see the sample position once the purge cover is in place.

Video Wizard

OPUS Start Video Wizard Button

In OPUS, open the Video Wizard using the "Start video wizard" button.

This will launch the microscope wizard and bring you to the Select Device window. Refer to the following Experimental Workflows to determine the correct entry for your experiment.

Experimental Workflows