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Beamline News


Jan. 26, 2023

This is primarily a bugfix release with some small performance improvements.

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Primary packages

  • Orange 3.34.0
  • orange-spectroscopy 0.6.8
  • python 3.9.15
  • numpy 1.23.5
  • scipy 1.9.3
  • scikit-learn 1.1.3

Important notes

This release bumps the included Python major version to 3.9. As a result, some installations (especially on Windows) will require a full uninstallation before installing the new version.

Notable changes

  • Tile File widget can now accept multiple Preprocessor inputs
    • See included example workflow for a demonstration combining Preprocess Spectra and Integrate widgets
  • ASCII column reader supports files with ";" comments
  • Some fixes to new separate baselines peak integration method


There have been a few notable changes in the last few versions (1.6, 1.5):

  • New peak area integration method which allows separate definition of the baseline points
  • Spectra widget can now display custom peak labels
  • Atmospheric gas correction preprocessor
  • Widgets now show little data table previews of their inputs/outputs
  • File widget allows explicit specification of file format
  • New "Transform" widget category to distinguish widgets which load/create/view/annotate data, and those which modify the data table