Beamline News
Dual-comb Spectroscopy for Microsecond Time-Resolved Mid-Infrared Experiments
Jan. 8, 2021
The millisecond to microsecond time regime spans many dynamic processes such as reaction kinetics, molecular dynamics and complex system evolution. Accessing this time regime in the mid-infrared can be challenging and different existing approaches have inherent trade-offs such as requiring rapidly repeatable processes, sacrificing broadband spectral context or unacceptably low signal-to-noise.
In this talk, a new laser-based instrument at the Mid-IR beamline capable of accessing these fast timescales with reasonable spectral bandwidth will be introduced. This spectrometer is an excellent complement to broadband FT-IR measurements where information about the dynamics of the system of interest is limited by the useful time resolution of rapid-scan measurements or by the reproducibility requirements of step-scan measurements. Examples of applications and practical sampling considerations will be presented.
When: January 20, 2:00 pm CST (Saskatoon time)
Where: The webinar will be on Webex. Please email us for connection details.