Research Highlights
FTIR Analyzes Pea and Lentil Flour Processing Effects
Feb. 2, 2023
Pulse production is an integral pillar of the Canadian agricultural economy. Changes to the nutritional properties and protein structure of green lentil and yellow pea flour post-seed milling and processing are determined. The authors used the Agilent endstation at the Mid-IR beamline to examine pulse flours - reporting changes to protein structure and an improvement in starch digestibility with tempering and IR heating. Sample preparation used KBr pellets / flour mixtures.
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Laing, E.; Stone, A.K.; Shi, D.; Pickard, M.; House, J.D.; Wang, N.; Nickerson, M.T. Effect of infrared heating on the nutritional properties of yellow pea and green lentil flours. Cereal Chem 2023, 100, 614-627.